Leonardo Suarez Paz's CUARTETANGO Music & Dance
Sat, SEP 18 2022, 4 PM
This program is made possible with support provided by the
New York State Council on the Arts
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
Four Freedoms Park Conservancy
Dance/NYC and individual donations through our fiscal sponsor, New York Foundation for the Arts
New York State Council on the Arts
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
Four Freedoms Park Conservancy
Dance/NYC and individual donations through our fiscal sponsor, New York Foundation for the Arts
Cuartetango Music & Dance is a theatrical chamber concert that incorporates all expressions of the Nuevo Tango art: music, dance, song and poetry. The show forms part of Leonardo Suarez Paz's PIAZZOLLA 100, a multidisciplinary performing arts project directed by Leonardo Suarez Paz, a soloist of multiple Grammy winning albums and an artist who “possesses a unique spirit and is a virtuoso extraordinaire on the violin” (Wynton Marsalis, JALCO).
Cuartetango's instrumentation is atypical for Tango, making it the only group of its kind to perform the genre on Western Classical instruments for the past two decades. The addition of bandoneon and vocal numbers creates a new world of textures, rhythms, harmonies, and sonority that represents a continuation of the traditional Tango into Nuevo Tango that couples classical virtuosity with the authenticity, power and the unique urban ‘swing’ characteristic of Tango. Four tango dancers complete the multidisciplinary experience in a musically refined, sensual performance that is a "force 5 sensorial explosion" (The Day, CT), which has been featured at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, on PBS and live at the Latin Grammy Awards, following a double nomination. The art extends the legacy of Leonardo’s mentor, Astor Piazzolla, the Argentine born, and New York raised composer who revolutionized 21st century music.
Leonardo, creates across cultures and genres, continuing a family legacy of over 100 years in the genre, beginning with Gabino Ezeiza to Fernando Suarez Paz who was instrumental in creating the Nuevo Tango alongside Piazzolla. A member of the Orquesta Estable del Teatro Colon, Leonardo's work as a soloist includes the most distinguished tango orchestras such as those of Mariano Mores, Horacio Salgan, Atilio Stampone, Osvaldo Berlingieri and the shows Tangox2 and Perfumes de Tango where he was also featured as a dancer. He was the soloist in both Broadway tango shows Forever Tango and Tango Argentino, with Placido Domingo, Ruben Blades, Carlos Franzetti, Patience Higgins, Jim Hall, Kenny Drew Jr., Steve Kuhn, Savion Glover and many others. Leonardo “shows us how easily we can communicate across cultures if the desire and effort are there.” (Wynton Marsalis, Artistic Director Jazz at Lincoln Center)
Cuartetango Music & Dance
Cuartetango string quartet
Leonardo Suarez Paz, direction, violin 1, voice, dance
Hector Omar Falcon, violin
Ron Lawrence, viola
Danny Miller, violoncello
Rodolfo Zanetti, bandoneon
Olga Suarez Paz & Leonardo Suarez Paz dance
Carolina Jaurena &Juan Alessandrini dance
Cuartetango string quartet
Leonardo Suarez Paz, direction, violin 1, voice, dance
Hector Omar Falcon, violin
Ron Lawrence, viola
Danny Miller, violoncello
Rodolfo Zanetti, bandoneon
Olga Suarez Paz & Leonardo Suarez Paz dance
Carolina Jaurena &Juan Alessandrini dance
- La muerte del Ángel (A. Piazzolla) Cuartetango string quartet
- Moda Tango (N. Marconi) Cuartetango s.q. and bandoneon
- El día que me quieras (C. Gardel/ A. Lepera) Leonardo Suarez Paz - voice
- Melancólico Bs As (A. Piazzolla) Leonardo & Olga - dance
- Adios Nonino (A. Piazzolla arr: M. Nisinman) Cuartetango s.q. and bandoneon
- Milonga de mis amores (Laurenz/ar: Suarez Paz) Carolina & Juan - dance, Cuartetango string quartet
- Chiquilín de Bachin (A. Piazzolla/arr: L. Suarez Paz) Leonardo Suarez Paz - voice
- Milonga trunca (L. Suarez Paz) – Cuartetango string quartet
- Escualo (A. Piazzolla) dedicated to Leonardo's father Fernando Suarez Paz by Astor Piazzolla
- Amurado (P. Laurenz) Leonardo & Olga - dance
- Vampitango (L. Adrover) full company
(the little boy from Bachin)
Music by Astor Piazzolla Lyrics by Horacio Ferrer
(the little boy from Bachin)
Music by Astor Piazzolla Lyrics by Horacio Ferrer
Por las noches, cara sucia
de angelito con bluyín, vende rosas en las mesas del boliche de Bachín; si la luna brilla sobre la parrilla, come luna y pan de hollín... Cada día en su tristeza que no quiere amanecer, lo madruga un seis de enero con la estrella del revés; y tres reyes gatos roban sus zapatos, uno izquierdo y el otro... ¡también! Chiquilín dame un ramo de voz así salgo a vender mis vergüenzas en flor... Beleame con tres rosas que duelan a cuenta del hambre que no te entendí, Chiquilín... Cuando el sol pone a los pibes delantales de aprender, él aprende cuánto cero le quedaba por saber; y a su madre mira, yira que te yira, pero no la quiere ver... Cada aurora, en la basura con un pan y un tallarín, se fabrica un barrilete para irse y sigue aquí! Es un hombre extraño - niño de mil años - que por dentro le enreda el piolín... |
In the evenings, dirty-faced
little angel with blue jeans, he sells roses at the tables of a joint that's called Bachín; if the moon casts light on the grill at night, he eats moonlight and bread of soot... Every day in his sadness that he doesn’t want to wake rising early on Epiphany day with a backwards star and the three wise men-cats steal his shoes instead one is the left and the other…too! Chiquilín give me a bunch of your voice so I will go out to sell all my blooming remorse…. then shoot me with three roses that hurt on account of your hunger that I didn’t understand Chiquilín... When the sun has dressed the school kids in their aprons in a row, he then learns how many zeroes that he doesn’t even know; at his mother gawking, seeing her streetwalking, but he doesn’t like the show... Each aurora, from the garbage, with a noodle and some bread, he makes kites so he can leave but remains here instead! He’s a strange man, - child of a thousand years - who’s insides entangle the distressed… |

Social TANGO is back by popular demand!
Come learn with us in a series of 4 special workshops that are a party
Pre-register to reserve your spot and get a 50% discount on classes -
for our concert attendees only!
Come learn with us in a series of 4 special workshops that are a party
Pre-register to reserve your spot and get a 50% discount on classes -
for our concert attendees only!
harmonically sophisticated |
the precise evidence that the tango history is still being written |
Tango Master of the 21st Century |
Powerful and sensual |
Leonardo Suarez Paz's PIAZZOLLA 100 and OUR MISSION
Our mission is to further the genre of Nuevo Tango by elevating its artistic standards through live performances, recordings, publications and education, by demonstrating its evolution as an entire culture through every form of expression - music, dance, interdisciplinary work, visual art, literature and cinema. We celebrate Latin, African and European cultural heritages, the contributions of immigrants and women to the genre, while relating its history to Buenos Aires and New York City and affording an opportunity for artists across generations, cultures, genres and disciplines to create new work
and express through a renewed artistic idiom of cultural unity and inclusion.
Leonardo Suarez Paz’s Piazzolla 100 operates as a 501 c 3
Please consider making a tax deductible contribution towards our future programs though our fiscal sponsor
New York Foundation for the Arts
Our mission is to further the genre of Nuevo Tango by elevating its artistic standards through live performances, recordings, publications and education, by demonstrating its evolution as an entire culture through every form of expression - music, dance, interdisciplinary work, visual art, literature and cinema. We celebrate Latin, African and European cultural heritages, the contributions of immigrants and women to the genre, while relating its history to Buenos Aires and New York City and affording an opportunity for artists across generations, cultures, genres and disciplines to create new work
and express through a renewed artistic idiom of cultural unity and inclusion.
Leonardo Suarez Paz’s Piazzolla 100 operates as a 501 c 3
Please consider making a tax deductible contribution towards our future programs though our fiscal sponsor
New York Foundation for the Arts